Hands down, Red Rocks is the best concert venue we have ever been to!
You can’t even properly describe it, you just need to go there for a concert.
Just be prepared to do some hill climbing to get to your seat.

Red Rocks with Denver skyline.

My concert-going companion.

My favorite Skynyrd fan
Lynyrd Skynyrd
Lucky for us that this concert was postponed from September 2020, but it worked out great for us.

Abby negotiated the concert t-shirt deal of the day!
Emma, Sam, Abby & I made our way to Red Rocks
Special Guests – Tesla
Starting off the show was the band Tesla, who did a great job warming up the crowd.

Special guests Tesla
Lynyrd Skynyrd Rocks
I think Emma & Sam enjoyed it!!
The Hits Just Kept on Coming
One great song after another tonight.
- Working for MCA
- I Ain’t the One
- What’s Your Name
- That Smell
- I know a Little
- The Needle and The Spoon
- Saturday Night Special
- Tuesday’s Gone
- Simple Man
- Gimme Three Steps
- Call Me The Breeze
- Sweet Home Alabama
- Encore – Free Bird

Having fun!

Abby & Emma!
Free Birds
What an awesome night, so much fun, and glad that Emma and Sam got to see this amazing band with us…
After 100 plus concerts, this one is a top 5 all-time contender.
This was a top 5 of all concerts for us!
Until the next trip…
Date of Concert – September 27th, 2021
Thanks for sharing, didn’t know about red rocks, looks amazing. Glad you were able to make the concert and everyone looks great in that setting
Uncle Jim
It was a lot of fun!
You’re not kidding about the climb! The boys and I hiked the loop when we were out there, then climbed to the top at high noon. 🥵
During the day the place is filled with athletes training by running and hopping up those stairs.
Very cool about the concert, glad you guys are having fun!
We’re still tired from the steps!
That must have been an amazing concert, glad you enjoyed it.
The pictures are great.
It was a great time and a fun place!
This looks amazing and beautiful! So happy you got to experience this💜
Thanks Jake, can’t wait until you get here!
What an awesome night! You guys look happy, relaxed and energized! Colorado looks good on all of you! ❤️
Thanks!! You guys would have enjoyed this show!